Martha Nussbaum on Tragedy
During this week's lectures I was able to reflect upon the real meaning of effort. Sometimes we are so focused on one or many goals that we forget that there are necessary steps to such ends. We live in a society where the things that are easy and quick to gain are the most important things, where obtaining material things is the norm and where when we are better (physically) we are often allowed to thrive and improve. I think that people often forget that a person's achievements are a masquerade of the effort and weight, of the long hours writing and researching, and of the friends and family that whose meaningful time was left behind in an effort of achieving the goal. In this case, Martha Nussbaum reminds us that in our path to success we do become fragile, we have to sometimes overcome our own fears in order to really achieve something. Nussbaum's interpretation of Aristotle's Eudemonia is very clear: Actions are required for success, but there is also a need of sa...